[奥鹏]国开22年春《管理英语4》Unit 3 形考成绩_单元自测3(10分)[答案]
时间:2022-04-20 07:32 来源:奥鹏教育 作者:奥鹏作业答案 点击:次
国开22年春《管理英语4》Unit 3 形考成绩_单元自测3(10分)[答案]答案 正确答案:----- 国开22年春《管理英语4》Unit 3 形考成绩_单元自测3(10分)[答案] 正确答案:----- 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题) 1.—_____________ 正确答案:----- — I'd like to have this film developed. 正确答案:----- A.What's it? B.May I help you? C.What do you want? 正确答案:-----
2.— Will you help me arrange a meeting with Mr. Brown, please? 正确答案:----- —_____________ 正确答案:----- A.No, no way. B.No, I can't. C.Sorry I can't. I have to finish my project right now.
3.?The team creates an environment ______ people are comfortable in communicating, advocating positions, and taking action. 正确答案:----- A.that B.which? C.in which
4.I have been very lucky to have had ______ managers during my career so far. 正确答案:----- A.terrific B.terrible C.?terrifying
5.Team members are ______ as unique people with irreplaceable experiences, points of view, and knowledge to contribute. 正确答案:----- A.treated B.viewed 正确答案:----- C.known
6.阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误( 共 50分)。 Tips for Team Building 正确答案:-----
When you think of team building, do you immediately picture your group off at a resort playing games or hanging from ropes? Traditionally, many organizations approach team building in this way but, then, they wonder why that wonderful sense of teamwork that had been displayed at the retreat or the seminar fails to impact long term beliefs and actions back at work. 正确答案:-----
I'm not averse to retreats, planning sessions, seminars and team building activities — in fact I lead them — but they have to form part of a much larger teamwork effort. You will not build teamwork by “retreating” as a group for a couple of days each year, instead you need to think of team building as something you do every single day. 正确答案:-----
? Form teams to solve real work issues and to improve real work processes. Provide training in systematic methods so the team expends its energy on the project, not on trying to work out how to work together as a team to approach the problem. 正确答案:-----
? Hold department meetings to review projects and progress, to obtain broad input, and to coordinate shared work processes. If there is friction between team members, examine the work processes they mutually own — the problem is not usually their personalities; instead, it is often the fact that the team members haven't agreed on how they will deliver a product or service, or the steps required to get something done. 正确答案:-----
? Build fun and shared occasions into the organization's agenda — hold pot luck lunches, take the team to a sporting event, sponsor dinners at a local restaurant, go hiking or go to an amusement park. Hold a monthly company meeting, sponsor sports teams and encourage cheering team fans. 正确答案:-----
? Use ice breakers and teamwork exercises at meetings — these help team members get to know each other, share details about each others lives, and have a laugh together. 正确答案:-----
? Celebrate team successes publicly. There are many ways you could do this, for instance by buying everyone the same T-shirt or hat, putting team member names in a draw for company merchandise and gift certificates. The only thing limiting you is your imagination. 正确答案:-----
If you do the types of teamwork building listed above, you'll be amazed at the progress you will make in creating a teamwork culture, a culture that enables individuals to contribute more than they ever thought possible — together. 正确答案:-----
1. Team building event is traditionally related to playing games at resort. 正确答案:-----
2. The author claims that playing games together is as important as form teams to solve real work issues and to improve real work processes for team building. 正确答案:-----
3. “Retreat” in the first paragraph means withdrawal of troops after a defeat. 正确答案:-----
4. Ice breaking motivates team members compete with each other.
5. A good teamwork culture enables individuals make more efforts together. 正确答案:----- (1). A.T B.F
(2). A.T B.F
(3). A.T B.F
(4). A.T B.F
(5). A.T B.F
国开22年春《管理英语4》Unit 3 形考成绩_单元自测3(10分)[答案]历年参考题目如下: [奥鹏]国开22年春《管理英语4》Unit 3 形考成绩_单元自测3(10分)[答案]相关练习题: 通过抑制DNA多聚酶而发挥抗病毒作用的药物是() 节温器通过改变流经散热器的( )来调节发动机的冷却强度。 下列哪条不属于MEDLINE收录的索引来源( ) 妇女有嚼槟榔和用槟榔待客的习俗的是()。 血证良药兼伤科要药是##。 以下哪些可以免缴矿产资源补偿费() ( )是指人脑对直接作用于感觉器官的刺激物的个别属性的反映。 关于实践的观点正确 的是 债权让与对债务人生效的要件是() 20春学期《土木工程施工(一)》在线平时作业3 Kate said that ____________. 以下不属于负债比率的是( )。 二、判断题 (共 15 道试题,共 30 分) 精加工时,应选用( )进行冷却 屋架在起吊过程中吊索保持与水平面夹角大于 度 蛋白质约占人体重量的( )。 中共××市委向下级党委的正式发文可以使用的文种是 ( ) 下面不属于员工健康管理内容的是()。 等截面直梁在弯曲变形时,挠曲线曲率在最大()处一定最大 在药物研发中,化学家始终掌控着整个研发过程。 东师小学教育研究方法20秋在线作业1【标准答案】 信息技术包括两方面,其中信息的提取不包括_______。 编码指令的梯形图指令的操作码是( )。 下列不是空气阻尼式时间继电器的优点是( )。 在计算存货周转率时,公式的分子为( )。 (责任编辑:admin) |